Osteoporosis&Me Treatment Chooser
The Osteoporosis&Me Treatment Chooser will ask you questions about your health history, experience with medications, and certain risk factors.
The Treatment Chooser won’t recommend a specific medicine for you, but will provide valuable information to help you and your doctor make a more informed choice based on your values and preferences.
Make sure you have enough time to go through the Treatment Chooser — it will take about 5-10 minutes.
You and Your Doctor: Shared Decision-Making
After you finish using the treatment decision tool, you will receive your Osteoporosis&Me Personalized Report.
You can print out the report and bring it with you to the doctor, or you can send it in an email. The report can help spark a more informed discussion between you and your doctor so that you can decide together which treatment is best for you. This is called shared decision-making.